Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blazers beat Celtics without Roy - Behind The Blazers Beat

Beating the defending NBA champions at full strength is tough enough. The Trail Blazers did it Tuesday night without their best player and leading scorer.Without All-Star guard Brandon Roy, Portland withstood the relentless pressure of the Celtics and four players scored in double figures as the Blazers beat Boston 91-86 in front of a raucous...

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Monday, December 29, 2008

United Airlines Flight 173, Portland, OR - Plane Crash Sites

On Thursday, December 28, 1978, United Airlines Flight 173 en-route from Denver, CO to Portland, OR with 181 passengers and a crew of eight crashed in a residential area five miles east of Portland International Airport.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Newsman's $70m lawsuit likely to deal Bush legacy a new blow

As George W Bush prepares to leave the White House, at least one unpleasant episode from his unpopular presidency is threatening to follow him into retirement.

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If you use Twitter, at least do it with Style

Firefox add-ons that will make your tweeting much more fun.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Can dolphins survive winter in NJ rivers? (AP)

A group of bottlenose dolphins have been confounding humans since they took up residence in two rivers near the Jersey shore six months ago. Now that it's winter, some people are worried they'll never make it out.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Republican's Gift Held Racial Parody of Obama

Chip Saltsman, a candidate for chairman of the Republican National Committee, sent committee members this month a holiday music CD that included 'Barack the Magic Negro,' a parody song first aired in 2007 by talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

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Bush's $1 Trillion War on Terror: Even Costlier Than Expecte

The news that President Bush's war on terror will soon have cost the U.S. taxpayer $1 trillion — and counting — is unlikely to spread much Christmas cheer in these tough economic times. A trio of recent reports — none by the Bush Administration — suggests that sometime early in the Obama presidency, spending on the wars started since 9/11 will pass

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Czechs may give EU a bumpy ride

The Czech Republic takes over the EU's rotating six-month presidency on 1 January, but politics is less than sweet in the land that produced the sugar cube, the BBC's Rob Cameron reports from Prague.

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Six killed as Santa-clad gunman opens fire at LA party

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - At least six people were killed when a man dressed as Santa Claus entered his former in-laws suburban Los Angeles house and opened fire on guests at a Christmas Eve party before setting the home on fire, police said on...

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Von Trapps Are Reunited, Without the Singing

Sam von Trapp, the grandson of Maria, the singing nun made famous by “The Sound of Music,” is taking over the legacy of a family that has had its share of ups and downs.

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Wiesel Foundation loses nearly everything in Madoff scandal!

"We are writing to inform you that the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity had 15.2 million dollars under management with Bernard Madoff Investment Securities," said the foundation, which aims to combat anti-Semitism, on its website.

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Obama Chooses Lincoln's Bible for Inauguration

President-elect Barack Obama will use the same Bible at his inauguration that Abraham Lincoln used for his swearing in. Obama will be the first president since Lincoln to use that Bible...

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

GOP consultant killed in plane crash was warned of sabotage

The Republican consultant accused of involvement in a vote-rigging scandal was warned that his plane might be sabotaged before his death in a crash Friday night, according to a Cleveland CBS affiliate. The network also reported that the operative -- Michael Connell -- canceled two previous flights because of suspicious problems with his plane.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

White Vigilante Group Murdered Blacks During Katrina

Earlier this week, A.C. Thompson of The Nation revealed that after Hurricane Katrina, white vigilante groups patrolled New Orleans, blockaded streets, and shot at least eleven black men. It “was like pheasant season in South Dakota. If it moved, you shot it,” said one vigilante.

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Aurora Borealis: In Pictures

Pictures of the aurora borealis from around the world.

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The Madoff Economy

The vast riches achieved by those who managed other people’s money have had a corrupting effect on our society as a whole.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Not Another Word on Gay Marriage til They Execute an Adulter

The religious right picks and chooses which parts of the Bible they want to apply. And they choose based on which outsider group they would like to hate next. First, they emphasized slavery in the Bible when they wanted to hate black people. Now, they emphasize the parts condemning homosexuality so they can hate gay people.

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Craziest Football Play Ever

Trinity Miracle: End Zone Shot

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Poverty Dramatically Affects Children's Brains

A new study finds that certain brain functions of some low-income 9- and 10-year-olds pale in comparison with those of wealthy children and that the difference is almost equivalent to the damage from a stroke.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cars Sliding Down Icy Hill - iReport.com

December 15, 2008. Portland, Oregon. After watching many cars attempt to go up this icy hill, and fail, I had to capture it on video, speed it up and put it to music. Enjoy this montage of cars sliding down a hill.

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On Wall Street, Bonuses, Not Profits, Were Real

As regulators sift through the financial rubble, there are questions about what role lavish bonuses played in the debacle.

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Rwandan Convicted of Genocide

Col. Theoneste Bagosora, the military organizer of the 1994 slaughter in Rwanda, was sentenced on Thursday to life in prison by a U.N. court.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"I hunted down the woman who stole my life."

How to catch an identify thief…

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"I hunted down the woman who stole my life."

How to catch an identify thief…

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The Day Web 2.0 Died

Defining Web 2.0 has been something like a fun parlor game for a few years now. There’s a long history of people trying to come up with a unified definition of Web 2.0. But like the elusive theory of everything in physics, a single, agreed-upon definition of what Web 2.0 really means has been hard to come by.

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QoE: The New Next-Gen IT Trend

In today’s economy, each customer is worth his weight in gold, quite literally. Retaining that gold is businesses’ highest order of the day. Perhaps it is not that remarkable, then, that customer experience is now a top focus of IT.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1981 Murder of Adam Walsh (John Walsh's Son) is Solved!

Authorities in South Florida announced Tuesday that they've finally solved the 1981 killing of Adam Walsh, whose father later gained fame as the host of "America's Most Wanted." Hollywood police held a news conference to close the case of the abduction and homicide of 6-year-old Adam.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Free Wi-Fi spreading like a virus

With the economy down and competition for scarce customers up, the trickle of free Wi-Fi hotspots is becoming a flood. Sandwich joints, coffee houses, gas stations, buses, trains -- even the entire city of Beijing -- are all getting free, no-login Wi-Fi. It's a wonderful time to be a cheapskate with a netbook.

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Ball bounces Jets' way in win over Bills

Nearly a month after the Giants celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Miracle at the Meadowlands, the Jets experienced their own version yesterday.With the Bills protecting a three-point lead and in position to run out the clock and deal a potentially fatal blow to the Jets' playoff hopes, luck - often the most elusive of dance partners....

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Ball bounces Jets' way in win over Bills

Nearly a month after the Giants celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Miracle at the Meadowlands, the Jets experienced their own version yesterday.With the Bills protecting a three-point lead and in position to run out the clock and deal a potentially fatal blow to the Jets' playoff hopes, luck - often the most elusive of dance partners....

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Ball bounces Jets' way in win over Bills

Nearly a month after the Giants celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Miracle at the Meadowlands, the Jets experienced their own version yesterday.With the Bills protecting a three-point lead and in position to run out the clock and deal a potentially fatal blow to the Jets' playoff hopes, luck - often the most elusive of dance partners....

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Ball bounces Jets' way in win over Bills

Nearly a month after the Giants celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Miracle at the Meadowlands, the Jets experienced their own version yesterday.With the Bills protecting a three-point lead and in position to run out the clock and deal a potentially fatal blow to the Jets' playoff hopes, luck - often the most elusive of dance partners....

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Ball bounces Jets' way in win over Bills

Nearly a month after the Giants celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Miracle at the Meadowlands, the Jets experienced their own version yesterday.With the Bills protecting a three-point lead and in position to run out the clock and deal a potentially fatal blow to the Jets' playoff hopes, luck - often the most elusive of dance partners....

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Portland memorial honors victims of Ireland's 1840s famine

In a frigid but triumphant ceremony that started a wee late ("Irish time," said one woman, "half past a glass"), about 400 Oregonians endured a few moments of misery to honor their ancestral home's most miserable of times: An Gorta Mor, the Great Famine.

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Rahm Emanuel Rips Blagoyevich a New ***** -Transcript

My favorite quote: EMANUEL: Um, I don't know, what's it supposed to mean governor? A.) You're a ***** crook. B.) You're a ***** *****. C.) All of the above.

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George Bush's Final F.U. to America

George W Bush is rushing to enact a host of last-minute regulations that will screw America for years to come.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

A Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis: The Bailout

Here is a visual guide to understanding how the bailout is funded and a couple of financial experts’ take on how it could be funded.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Facebook Virus Spreads: No Social Network is Safe

"Koobface" is the name of the Trojan worm that's been making its way through the social networking site Facebook lately, but to the site's users, it's been simply known as "the Facebook virus." That name will soon become a misnomer, though, because the worm is now spreading outside of Facebook's walls to attack other social networks like Bebo, MySp

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Smiling in Your Social Network Photos?

Researchers Nicholas Christakis and James Folwer recently published a paper in the British Medical Journal where they examined how a person's happiness is related to the happiness of their friends in their offline social networks. To follow up that study, they recently examined those same happiness clusters in online networks like MySpace and Faceb

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Powell: GOP 'polarization' backfired in election

The Republican party must stop "shouting at the world" and start listening to minority groups if it is to win elections in the 21st century, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday.In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria for Sunday's "GPS" program, President Bush's former secretary of state said his party's attempt ...

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The Politico: Ben Smith's Blog: Obama stands up for Land of Lincoln

Blog: Obama stands up for Land of Lincoln

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Media Companies Have Only Themselves to Blame

The recession is hitting everyone. But print media companies -- newspapers, books and magazines -- are getting hit harder than most. It's their own damned fault. Like the US automakers and the music industry, print media companies squandered most of their time and money during boom times clinging to the past rather than preparing for the bust.

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The Aimless War - TIME

A trip to the front lines in Afghanistan shows why a surge of U.S. troops won't be enough to end the conflict

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Man held in Obama 'Antichrist' threat

HONOLULU, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- Federal prosecutors say they are holding a Hawaiian man who allegedly threatened to attack Barrack Obama to prove the new U.S. president is the Antichrist.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why book publishers will fail like the music industry did

Two major book publishers launched iPhone apps to market via cell phone. Both fall short of actually publishing new books. Does this sound familiar? The music industry was holding on to physical CD sales so tightly that they let Apple run away with control over digital distribution and the future of their industry. Will book publishers do the same?

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19-Year-Old Needs 3rd Transplant to Save Her Life

Written by CBS4 special projects producer Libby SmithReporting Dr. Dave HnidaBOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) ― Every three days, Kelsey Crider spends four hours hooked up to a dialysis machine."It's like my artificial kidney," Kelsey told CBS4.

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GOP US Attorney who prosecuted Chong dares Obama to fire her

Now the Bush-appointee -- who spent $12 million to put that oh-so-notorious kingpin Tommy Chong behind bars for nine months -- has been struck with another bout of headline-grabbing obstinance. Buchanan says she won't step down once President-elect Obama takes office next month.

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Merrill Lynch CEO Whines To Get His $10-million Bonus

Life must be tough without an extra $10-million laying around.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Ring of Fire Radio | Aesop's Fables For The GOP

Several years ago, I wrote a book about the lessons of Aesop’s Fables. His stories about lions, birds, and donkeys were written to help leaders understand the consequences of arrogance, indifference, greed, and misused power. Aesop’s ideas provided reality checks that are as relevant today as they were then.

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Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Obama Citizenship Case

As if it would have made a difference anyways...

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Tribune Prepares for Bankruptcy Filing - Old Media Dying

Tribune is preparing for a possible bankruptcy-protection filing as soon as this week, opening a new front of trouble for the newspaper industry.

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23 Photos That Look Like They’re Photoshopped But Aren't

There are hundreds of posts available on the internet about photoshop and photo manipulation. You probably have also seen many photos or images that have been photoshopped and inspire others. Here are 23 awesome photos that look like they’re photoshopped but aren't.

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Gas prices near 5-year low!

The average price of self-serve gasoline dropped 22 cents in the past two weeks, said Trilby Lundberg, publisher of the Lundberg Survey. The average, tallied on Friday, was the lowest since the $1.74 average on March 12, 2004, Lundberg said.

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Deepak Chopra: Letter to Sean Hannity of Fox News

Can't Fox News spend even a week without spreading misinformation?

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blake's late 3 lifts Blazers past Raptors 98-97

LaMarcus Aldridge scored 20 points, Steve Blake had 19 that included a 3-pointer with 8 seconds left, and the Portland Trail Blazers spoiled Toronto coach Jay Triano’s home debut with a 98-97 victory over the Raptors on Sunday.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Why the stories about Obama's birth certificate will nevwr die

Barack Obama was, without question, born in the U.S., and he is eligible to be president, but experts on conspiracy theories say that won't ever matter to those who believe otherwise.

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Bells, chants launch Bhutan's first daily newspaper

THIMPHU, Bhutan (Reuters) - Buddhist monks prayed for the success of Bhutan's first daily newspaper, which was launched Thursday but could take a week to reach remote areas of the tiny Himalayan nation carried on ponies and on foot. Bhutan Today, an...

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Dog rescues injured dog on highway

This video is amazing -- can anyone translate what the announcer is saying?

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Police reveal chilling account of stalker's fatal pursuit

Loan Kim Nguyen's purse was stolen at a Halloween-night party in San Francisco - and that's all it took to trigger a horrific chain of events that soon had a stalker virtually kidnapping her, haunting her and then, one month later, bursting into her home and fatally shooting her as she handed her toddlers out a window.

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Why Are PCs So Slow?

Moore's Law says computer chips double in speed every 1.5 to 2 years. Your PC should be 32 times faster than the PC you used in 1998. The chips ARE faster, so why isn't your PC? Chip speed improvements are being squandered by everyone from OS makers to driver writers to hardware makers and component manufacturers.

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Flock OpenID support a small step for slow-moving standard

Through a partnership that includes MySpace and Vidoop, an alpha extension brings OpenID management to the Flock social browser. It's an interesting approach to boosting awareness, but OpenID is going to need a lot more help than this to gain traction amidst heavy competition.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa Claus' Gmail Account Exposed

I love this santaclaus@gmail.com snapshot, from Bono in his contacts, along with Jesuschrist and Rudolph, to the fact that he'll give Xboxes to bad boys instead of coal because of the energy crisis. The best thing, however, is his inbox.

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Nigeria buys baby poison antidote

Nigerian medical authorities are flying in 100 doses of an antidote to try and stem the deaths of babies poisoned by a contaminated teething syrup

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What the U.S. Can Learn from Japan's 'Lost Decade'

Japan's experience with its own real estate crisis offers important lessons for the U.S. America has some distinct advantages compared with what Japan went through in 1990 — and some disadvantages.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

For Heroes of Mumbai, Terror Was a Call to Action

Ordinary citizens displayed extraordinary grace during one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in India’s history.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Power.com: The Next Massive IM & Social Networking Aggregate

New site being launched in the US that is a combination of an aggregation service like FriendFeed, a multi-protocol IM tool like Meebo, and an all-in-one email application.

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Black Friday? Cyber Monday? Here comes 'Mobile Tuesday'

Step aside, Black Friday and Cyber Monday -- there's a new discount day in town. A cell phone marketing company called Mobigosee is trying to launch a third shopping day called "Mobile Tuesday," where the discounts come to you in the form of cell phone coupons and advertisements.

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Give "Meet The Press" To Rachel Maddow

How is it Obama can fill a Cabinet faster than NBC can replace Tim Russert?

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The Simpsons Parody Apple and Steve Jobs

Funny Cause It’s True!

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The Power of Blogs: Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day

AIDS.gov is partnering with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Blog Catalog for Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day 2008. This event encourages bloggers from around the world to dedicate their blog posts on Dec. 1, 2008 (World AIDS Day) to issues related to HIV/AIDS.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

SA 'heroes' save Mumbai hostages

A team of South African bodyguards have been explaining how they led 120 hostages to safety from a hotel seized by gunmen in the Indian city, Mumbai.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Raise Your Hand If You Feel Sorry For the Detroit Lions

Chris Johnson was untouched on a short run to the outside and a long gain up the middle. The two plays were symbolic of the canyon-like gap between the once-beaten Tennessee Titans and the winless Detroit Lions.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Oddly Endurant Sarah Palin/Turkey Slaughter Story Continues

That funny but completely unimportant thing from last week in which Sarah Palin pardoned a turkey and then gave a teevee interview with a turkey being sliced ‘n’ diced in the background… well the American people are intent to know as much as possible about it!

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IMF chief: Worst yet to come for global financial crisis

The IMF's chief economist has warned that the global financial crisis is set to worsen and that the situation will not improve until 2010, a report said Saturday.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Facebook's Land Grab in the Face of a Downturn

The social-networking site is moving aggressively to sign up more users around the world while much of Silicon Valley hunkers down

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65 Fake Twitter Profiles With Hilarious Tweets

People snatch up almost every profile name of celebrities, politicians, musicians, athletes, and even fictional characters. What follows is a list of some of of these profiles. bio’s, funny Twits, and funny profile background pictures. Enjoy.

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How news sources can serve readers and save themselves

Great story.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Indian navy sinks suspected pirate "mother" ship

An Indian naval vessel sank a suspected pirate "mother ship" in the Gulf of Aden and chased two attack boats into the night, officials said Wednesday, yet more violence in the lawless seas where brigands are becoming bolder and more violent.

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Cannabis 'could stop dementia in its tracks'

Cannabis may help keep Alzheimer's disease at bay. In experiments, a marijuana-based medicine triggered the formation of new brain cells and cut inflammation linked to dementia. The researchers say that using the information to create a pill suitable for people could help prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's.

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God and Evolution Can Co-exist, Scientist Says

A scientist is going public with his Christian belief in God and acceptance of evolution, in the wake of the Dover trial and recent, high-profile scholarly writings that have highlighted the contradictions between religiosity and science.

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First panels of Jonestown memorial unveiled

On the 30th anniversary of the Jonestown disaster Tuesday, organizers of an annual memorial service displayed the first panels of a 36-foot-long stone wall that is to be inscribed with the names of more than 900 victims of the violence in Guyana.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is the panic over Detroit real? (Scripting News)

On an NPR show yesterday they had people calling in from Michigan. They sounded very clear, not angry, not a lot of fear in their voices, but the things they were saying scared me -- towns where everyone is out of work, and no one is able to sell their house, nowhere to go, savings being depleted, wondering what happens when they're gone

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Exit Fail Whale, Enter Fail Caterpillar (Twitter is Down) (http://ping.fm/6WJvu)

Rather’s Lawsuit Shows Role of G.O.P. in Inquiry

Evidence seems to support Dan Rather’s assertion that CBS wanted its investigation into a segment about President Bush’s National Guard service to mollify critics.

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After Obama's win, white backlash festers in US

The Christian Science Monitor - In rural Georgia, a group of high-schoolers gets a visit from the Secret Service after posting "inappropriate" comments about President-elect Barack Obama on the Web. In Raleigh, N.C., four college students admit to spraying race-tinged graffiti

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Some See Big Problem in Wisconsin Drinking

In a state that leads the nation in binge drinking and drunk driving, a new campaign assails lenient laws and a mindset that celebrates getting drunk.

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Dad Chains Himself To Meter To Save Daughter on Life Support

In a desperate attempt to prevent his power from being turned off, a father chained himself to the meter outside his home saying his daughter, who requires a feeding tube and other electrical equipment, could die. The family owed $2,000 dollars in bills, and an anonymous donor has since paid off the debt after the father's heroics.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

The Daily Dish - Andrew Sullivan - And Still They Thunder

I've been a little taken aback by the news that gun sales have rocketed in red states since Obama was elected. Watching O'Reilly and reading Drudge lately has also been a bit of a revelation. A reader sums it up...

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

At Home with John Cleese

Vinvin from Seesmic enjoys a tour of John Cleese's Californian cottage. Contains cats, a lion, a giraffe, a rabbit, a dog and a frog.

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Open Letter to President-Elect Obama from Pro-Life Leader

One of the men who started the evangelical pro-life movement offers advice to President Obama on how to heal the culture wars.

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Blackwater likely to be fined millions in Iraq weapons case

Charged with illicit arms trafficking with some of the weapons are believed to have ended up on the country's black market, but no criminal charges have been filed in the case.No charges, no arrests, no contracts canceled and any fines will be added to the next contract amount, no doubt. War is a racket!

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Democrat Mark Begich Ahead by 814 Votes in Alaska

Indicted Republican Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska fell behind his Democratic rival, Mark Begich, on Wednesday, as ballot counting continued in one of the nation’s most closely fought Senate races. Mr. Begich, the mayor of Anchorage, led Mr. Stevens by just 814 votes after about 57,000 additional ballots were counted on Wednesday.

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Obama to pioneer Web outreach as president (AP)

Transition officials call it Obama 2.0 — an ambitious effort to transform the president-elect's vast Web operation and database of supporters into a modern new tool to accomplish his goals in the White House. If it works, the new president could have an unprecedented ability to appeal for help from millions of Americans

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.

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Alaska Update: Thousands of Ballots 'Found'

One-third of ballots remain uncounted

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Bailouts don't work - Wall Street continues to dive

Wall Street caved in to its economic anxieties and closed lower Monday, giving up an early rally over a stimulus package in China and refocusing on the acute pullback in spending that is pummeling U.S. companies. Despite the spin from analysts, the market recognizes that a problem created by a debt inflated bubble won't be solved by more debt.

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The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients

By: Ian Welsh Monday November 10, 2008 3:30 pm Apparently Bernanke, that wonderful bipartisan soul who is so competent and wonderful that everyone in the village thinks Obama should leave him in charge is refusing to identify who got almost 2 trillion dollars of Fed cash. Bloomberg News is suing to find out. Personal

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Gore urges US to try for 100% renewable energy within 10 yrs

"We can do that," he said during the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco last Friday. "The declaration from President [John F] Kennedy that we would land a man on the moon and bring him back safely was thought by many to be impossible."

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Miriam Makeba, Singer and Activist, Dies at 76

ROME (AP) -- Miriam Makeba, the South African singer known to fans worldwide as ''Mama Africa'' who became an international symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle, died early Monday after performing a concert in southern Italy, a hospital said. She was 76.

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500+ Death Threats: Fears grow for Barack Obama's security

The secret service is reported to have already investigated more than 500 death threats against Mr Obama during the presidential election contest. Last month, two neo-Nazi skinheads were arrested for conspiring to assassinate Mr Obama.

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

WSJ.com - The Perils of 'Populist Chic'

What the rise of Sarah Palin and populism means for the conservative intellectual tradition.

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Ron Paul Rated #1 in Congress for Tech-Related Proposals

Out of all 535 representatives in the U.S. Congress, Rep. Ron Paul (TX) is rated number one for tech-related proposals, scoring 88.24%. Sen. John McCain (AZ) scores 38.46%, and Sen. Barack Obama (IL) scores 33.33%.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Praying with the President-elect

(CNN) — Before he delivered his victory speech on Tuesday night in Chicago, President-elect Barack Obama took a call and bowed his head in prayer. Dr. Joel Hunter, pastor of Northland Church in Orlando, Florida and Otis Moss Jr. from Mount Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio joined him in that prayer.

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Commentary: My father, George Wallace, and Barack Obama

I heard a car door slam behind me and turned to see an elderly but spry woman heading my way. "I know your Daddy must be rolling over in his grave." I assumed that she had not bothered to notice the Barack Obama sticker on my bumper.

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Keith Olbermann Reacts To SNL Sketch

Keith Olbermann reacted to the "SNL" sketch in which Ben Affleck portrayed him as a cat-loving pompous freak Monday night, and also to a report that the McCain campaign was "tickled" by the sketch.

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Mr. Ayers’s Neighborhood

"I barely knew Obama"

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CNN Hologram TV First

This is why I watch CNN.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Barack Obama for President

"I endorse Barack Obama because I will not give up on America, because I believe in America, and in her constitution and decency and character and strength."

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The Blogger Behind the Obama Hit Job

TIME tracks a key source of Jerome Corsi's anti-Obama book all the way to a Tex-Mex restaurant in Malaysia

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McCain Rep Admits No Instances of Voter Fraud

Member of the Republicans' Own 'Honest and Open Election Committee' is a Bit Too Open and Honest in Interview with 'Politico'... Concedes they have no evidence of "voter fraud", only fear-mongering...

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The McCain Surge: Pipe Dreams or Prescience?

The McCain Surge: Pipe Dreams or Prescience?

Posted using ShareThis

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My wife made me canvas for Obama; here's what I learned

"This election is not about major policies. It's about hope.Let me make it clear: I'm pretty conservative. I grew up in the suburbs. I voted for George H.W. Bush twice, and his son once. I was disappointed when Bill Clinton won, and disappointed he couldn't run again. "

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Judge Orders Bush Administration To Produce Wiretap Memos

A judge has ordered the Justice Department to produce White House memos that provide the legal basis for the Bush administration's post-Sept. 11 warrantless wiretapping program.

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Hey Media! Forget the Polls! Look at the Predictive Markets

Two days before the election, I call upon the media to dump the polls. Forget the discussions of the Bradley effect or the reverse Bradley effect and go to something that while not infallible, has proven much more reliable than polls. Look at the predictive markets!

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Hawaii Verifies Obama's Birth Certificate - GENUINE

HONOLULU -- The state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.

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Docs show how 2004 Ohio voting routed through GOP servers

Newly obtained computer schematics provide further detail of how electronic voting data was routed during the 2004 election from Ohio’s Secretary of State’s office through a partisan Tennessee web hosting company. A network security expert with high-level US government clearances says the documents raise troubling questions.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Last minute smear by Republicans ties Obama and Ayers NOT

Two prominent Republicans tried to hire Dr Peter Millican, a philosophy don at Hertford College, Oxford to smear Sen. Barack Obama near the end of the 2008presidential campaign.

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Palin's medical records not made public

What is Palin hiding? Oct. 31: Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has not yet released her medical records, despite repeated media requests. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

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Newsweek Politics Headlines

Friday, October 31, 2008

Palin speaks on First Amendment: This is so dumb it hurts.

John McCain's running mate thinks that the Constitution protects political candidates from being criticized by the press.

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DR Congo refugee camps 'burned'

The UN says it has credible reports that camps sheltering 50,000 displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been torched. Aid groups say they are struggling to reach an estimated 250,000 people in the region fleeing fierce fighting between government and rebel forces.

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IRS wrongly paid out $1 billion in 2007 refunds

The government sent out more than $1 billion in fraudulent refunds last year and offered this explanation Thursday for the bad checks in the mail: The Internal Revenue Service has too few resources to pursue every tax fraud case.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain, Obama and your tax bill

The financial crisis may have taken center stage, but the candidates are still pushing their April 15 policies.

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Exxon Mobil: Biggest profit in U.S. history

Largest U.S. oil company surges past analyst estimates to post net income of $14.83 billion for 3 months worth of business. Why are we subsidizing these pin-stripe suited pirate bastards?

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Interview with Heroes Star Brea Grant

Recently I was lucky enough to snag some time with Brea Grant who plays the speedster Daphne on the NBC series Heroes. Brea and her college friend and online presence facilitator, Laura Roeder, sat down to talk with me about Brea’s use of Twitter and Facebook...

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Commentary: Mudslinging to get elected

No, politics is not for the faint of heart, especially in the final days of a tight race. Still, amid all the attack ads on the airwaves competing to out-ugly one another, we think we've found a winner.

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Lawyers Forced to Drop P2P ‘Wireless Defense’ Case

A married couple with a combined age of 120 have been accused by UK games lawyers Davenport Lyons of pirating an Atari game, and faced demands for over £500. However, the shocked couple enlisted the help of a popular consumer magazine, and unsurprisingly, the lawyers have backed down.

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Investigation: Hundreds accused wrongly of videogame piracy

Games firms are accusing innocent people of file-sharing as they crack down on pirates, a Which? Computing investigation has claimed.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Religious PAC airs pro-Obama ads on Christian Radio

One of the ads produced by Matthew 25 Network features Obama discussing his Christian faith as his “source of hope,” and another features a “pro-life, pro-Obama” argument from a Christian legal scholar, the Assistant Attorney General under Ronald Reagan.

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Sorting Out the Truth on McCain’s “Socialism”

Sen. John McCain ’s campaign has seized on Sen. Barack Obama ’s offhand remark that he wants to “spread the wealth around” to claim that Obama is a socialist.

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Let's Put An End To McCain's Lies About Obama's Tax Cut Plan

Please send this video to a friends, family, or anyone else you think needs to the truth.

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Why I Support Barack Obama - Tim O'Reilly

We need a president who can harness the best and brightest our country has to offer, a president who is conversant with, and comfortable with, the power of technology to assist in solving problems, a president who is good at listening, studying, and devising solutions based on the best insight available, rather than on narrow ideology.

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Ethanol No Longer Seen as Big Driver of Food Price

Chicago, Oct 23 - Heavy demand for corn from ethanol makers was seen as a key driver of corn futures to record highs in June, but since then the sharp decline of corn along with other commodities shows that belief was mistaken.

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FOX News slams Joe the Plumber

Why the hell is this guy still around?

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GOP Senator and Vietnam Veteran Endorses & Votes for Obama.

Former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), who was the first Vietnam Vet to serve in the Senate, is the latest Republican to back Obama. Pressler, who said that in addition to voting for for Obama he'd donated $500, said "I just got the feeling that Obama will be able to handle this financial crisis better." By contrast, John McCain "made me nervous."

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Dalai Lama calls special meeting of Tibetan exiles

DHARMSALA, India (AP) — The Dalai Lama has called a special meeting of Tibetan exiles to discuss the future of their struggle as talks with China have foundered, officials said Tuesday.The unusual meeting comes after the Dalai Lama told Tibetans on Saturday that he has given up on efforts to persuade Beijing to allow greater autonomy for Tibet...

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Like, Socialism: Comment: The New Yorker

One of the reasons Palin has been a popular governor is that she added an extra twelve hundred dollars to this year’s check, bringing the per-person total to $3,269.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Drudge unplugged: How his campaign influence has collapsed

There's no question that Drudge's Web traffic remains strong and continues to grow, thanks to a burgeoning international audience. But in terms of setting the ground rules -- in terms of setting the campaign agenda -- Drudge has been AWOL since mid-September when the credit crisis erupted.

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Barbara West, Biden Interviewer: Her Husband is a GOP Flack!

Joe Biden got asked some questions from Orlando WFTV reporter Barbara West on Thursday that where completely false. Biden: "Are you joking? Is this is a joke? Or is that a real question?" Turns out that her husband, Wade West, is a media consultant for Republican politicians!

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Biden Slammed During Florida Interview

Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden gave it to Florida WFTV anchor Barbara West Thursday when she asked him a slew of questions straight out of John McCain's talking points.West began the interview by asking whether Biden was "embarrassed" by Barack Obama's association with ACORN. Watch the interview.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

AP Investigation into Palin’s signature accomplishment!

Gov. Sarah Palin's signature accomplishment — a contract to build a 1,715-mile pipeline to bring natural gas from Alaska to the Lower 48 — emerged from a flawed bidding process that narrowed the field to a company with ties to her administration, an Associated Press investigation shows.

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McCain aide: Palin's 'going rogue'

Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin "going rogue." ... "She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone," said this McCain adviser. "She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else."

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Obama on the Race and His Grandmother

Obama talks about his Grandmother.

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Wasssup remix

Remember those Budweiser "Whasssssssssupppppppppppp!!!" ads, that made you want to crush and kill everyone in your pat? Yes, well someone has put the idea to use for the sake of good. We won't ruin the clip for you.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

For Obama, a Melancholy Biography Tour

After missing the death of his mother, Barack Obama sought to avoid repeating the mistake with a day-long visit to his ailing grandmother in Hawaii.

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WILL FERRELL as Bush Endorsing McCain/Palin

Will made a guest appearance on SNL's Primetime special Thursday night as George W. Bush. Bush makes a special, yet unwanted, political endorsement.

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New Obama Site Tracks and Debunks McCain Robocall Smears

The McCain Campaign and its allies have begun an unprecedented nationwide negative campaign that uses robocalls, direct mail, and other techniques to quietly poison voters' information with lies and fear tactics. This map is an effort to track some of the most toxic attacks. Help spread the word!

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Police: Campaign Worker Admits Making Up Story

Police sources tell KDKA that a campaign worker has now confessed to making up a story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter "B" in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker.

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50 Beautiful Blog Designs

We strongly encourage designers to break out the common layout conventions, experiment with new approaches and risk crazy ideas. Show what you are capable of!

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Sarah Palin Refuses To Answer about Abortion Clinic Bombers

Sarah Palin Refuses To Answer Whether Or Not Abortion Clinic Bombers Are Terrorists. Highlights of Brian William's interview with Sarah Palin and John McCain. WATCH

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Personal 'Faith Priorities' for this Election

Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners and author of the book "God's Politics," outlines his faith priorities for the U.S. Presidential election on Nov. 4th.

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CC Goldwater: Why McCain Has Lost Our Vote

Barry Goldwater's granddaughter explains why she, and several other members of her family will be rolling up their sleeves with Obama/Biden

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Conservatives for Change

"Conservatives for Change" is a documentary project featuring Republicans and Conservatives voting for Obama. These are real people, speaking in their own words. Pass it on. www.conservativesforchange.com

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The End of America

New flawed AP poll claims McCain and Obama are close

The poll doesn't make sense on many levels. Here's one example: 45% of this poll's respondents are evangelicals or born-again Christians. The problem? In 2004, evangelicals/born-again Christians made up 23% of voters. So now, we have twice as many members in this voting bloc? Totally implausible.

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Protester Attempts Citizen’s Arrest of Karl Rove in San Fran

During an event in San Francisco Tuesday morning, a protestor tried to “smack handcuffs on Karl Rove, but Rove slapped back, and the woman was taken off stage.”

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Toot: the important figure in Obama's life we haven't met

The country hasn't really met this important figure in Obama's life. Dunham, who will be 86 on Sunday, has rarely spoken to the press, and she doesn't appear at campaign events or important ceremonies.Yet she is a crucial part of his story, a woman he speaks of often when he's campaigning. He has invoked memories of her at his most crucial moment

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The wife John McCain callously left behind

McCain likes to illustrate his moral fibre by referring to his five years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam. And to demonstrate his commitment to family values, the 71-year-old former US Navy pilot pays warm tribute to his beautiful blonde wife, Cindy, with whom he has four children.

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If Obama's a socialist, so is McCain

Hypocrisy rules the McCain campaign, yet again.

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Phenom Rachel Maddow Doubles Audience in a Matter of Days

The Rachel Maddow Show," news and commentary program, has averaged a higher rating among 25- to 54-year-olds than "Larry King Live" on CNN for 13 of the 25 nights she has been host.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Conservative Republican Ken Adelman supports Barack Obama

Two reasons. First, temperment: "In those first few (economic) crisis days , he (John McCain) was impetuous, inconsistent, and imprudent; ending up just plain weird". Second, judgement: "That selection (of Sarah Palin) contradicted McCain’s main two themes for his campaign—Country First, and experience counts."

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AP: Palin children traveled on state funds - Decision '08- msnbc.com

AP: Palin children traveled on state funds - Decision '08- msnbc.com
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RNC appears to shell out $150K for Palin fashion

Bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York total $49,425.74. But there's more...

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McCain Hired GOP Operative Accused of Voter Reg Fraud

A McCain campaign joint committee has paid $175,000 to the firm of a Republican operative who has been accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states. A joint committee of the McCain-Palin campaign, the RNC and the the California Republican Party, made a $175,000 payment to the group Lincoln Strategy in June.

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Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., for president on Sunday, criticizing his own Republican Party for what he called its narrow focus on irrelevant personal attacks over a serious approach to challenges he called unprecedented.

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8 Unusual Animals of Web Branding - Mashable

8 Unusual Animals of Web Branding - Mashable
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MI Republicans Admit to Illegal Foreclosure Scheme

Democrats and Republicans have settled the suit seeking to prevent Michigan Republicans from using foreclosure lists to challenge voters. The MDP statement on the settlement says: "An agreement announced today by Obama for America, the Republican National Committee, the Democratic National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, the

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Friday, October 17, 2008

The GOP's crusade against imaginary voter fraud

Last night's presidential debate didn't rise to full-frontal bodice-ripper status until John McCain insisted, "[W]e need to know the full extent of Sen. Obama's relationship with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

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GOP Puts Obama on Food Stamp w/ Watermelon, Ribs & Kool-Aid

Republican women's group depicts Sen. Obama on a food stamp surrounded by a watermelon, ribs, Kool-Aid, and a bucket of fried chicken

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New England JOM Examines McCain Health Care Proposal

The choice facing health care professionals, like all Americans, is basic: Who deserves to be trusted with the stewardship of America's health care system? The McCain proposal violates the bedrock principle that major health policy reforms should first do no harm.

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A Chance To Rise Above It All and Let the Leader Lead

The American people are poised to do something that could not be imagined 10 years ago,vote for the best man regardless skin color & elect him president. The campaign against him is not one that anybody will point to with pride in years to come. But Barack Obama's cool poise in the face of blather is some sort of testament to American heart & humor

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is 'Joe the Plumber' a plumber? That's debatable (AP)

"He's trying to suggest that a plumber is the guy he's fighting for," Obama said. "How many plumbers you know that are making a quarter-million dollars a year?"

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Bush abusing the DOJ to exploit the ACORN story

this is what the Justice Department politicization scandal was about: prosecutors fired for refusing to involve themselves in phony pre-election investigations of vote fraud, and others who were not fired because they played along. Those prosecutors are still on the job. Get it yet?

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Palin: Shouldn’t Worry About Government Having Enough Money

GOP vice-presidential hopeful Sarah Palin defended John McCain’s economic plan and the overall tone of the campaign in a feisty interview with WMUR in Manchester, N.H.During the sit-down Wednesday, the Alaska governor wasn’t her perky self while answering several questions, including a discussion of the current market turmoil.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama re-characterizes the abortion issue

We should try to prevent unintended pregnancies by providing appropriate education to our youth, communicating that sexuality is sacred and that they should not be engaged in cavalier activity, and providing options for adoption, and helping single mothers if they want to choose to keep the baby.

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Obama's 'Diplomacy' Wins a Republican Endorsement

The ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee parted ways with his party's presidential nominee Wednesday by endorsing Democrat Barack Obama's approach to diplomacy.

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ACORN: ACORN Responds to Senator McCain’s Desperate Attack

Maude Hurd, ACORN’s National President, issued the following statement in response to Senator McCain’s attack: "We appreciate that Senator McCain's effort to stir up the Republican base by attacking a community organization working to increase public participation in our democratic process..."

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Markets dive on recession fears

US share prices have plummeted nearly 8% on renewed global recession worries, despite government action to strengthen the financial system.The Dow Jones index fell 733 points to 8,577 points, in its biggest percentage fall since 26 October 1987.

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Friendly fire in Iraq -- and a coverup

The Army says no, but a graphic video and eyewitness testimony indicate that a U.S. tank killed two American soldiers. The mother of one soldier demands answers.

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Wall Street Journal Article on Bill Ayers

For days on end, the Republican presidential campaign has put nearly all of its remaining political capital on emphasizing Mr. Obama's time on various foundation boards with Bill Ayers, a former member of the Weathermen, which planted bombs and issued preposterous statements in the Vietnam era

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Tina Fey On Sarah Palin: "If She Wins...I'm Leaving Earth"

"We're gonna take it week by week. If she wins, I'm done. I can't do that for four years. And by 'I'm done,' I mean I'm leaving Earth."

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We Must Not Repeat 2004 Stolen Election

Republicans prevented more than 350,00 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted--enough to have put John Kerry in the White House. VOTE EARLY and report voter fraud. We cannot let the GOP steal the vote in 2008.

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5 students from Afghanistan missing

SEATTLE: Five Afghanistan scholars visiting the University of Washington to work on their master's theses were reported missing after failing to show up for a week of training sessions, university officials said Tuesday.

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AP: Palin Has Checkered History On Ethics Issues

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whose reformer image took a hit in a report concluding she abused her powers to settle a family score, has skirted state ethics rules before for personal benefit and used her office to help friends and supporters

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Plouffe Fights ACORN Smears: It's A Smokescreen

After days of withering attacks against ACORN and implications that the Obama campaign was using the community organizing group to perpetuate voter fraud, aides to the Illinois Democrat fought back on Tuesday.

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Troopergate:Why Sarah Palin should be less than pleased...

Conor Clarke is a new media fellow at The Atlantic.

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The disgrace of a Facebook rape defense

Lawyers don't always enjoy the finest of reputations. Some are unquestionably sleazy. But perhaps you will find your own inventive adjective for a lawyer named Colin McCarraher.Last week, Mr. McCarraher defended

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The Grace of Rachel Maddow

David Frum makes a completely illogical argument that Rachel's show is the same as the hatred being spewed at McPalin rallies, and she doesn't let him get away with it, but she stays classy.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

1.3 Million Reasons for the GOP's ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Fraud

And Some FACTS to Counter the GOP's Cynical 'Dixie-Chicking' of ACORN...

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The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama

A Fox News Channel program last week thrust Andy Martin, widely credited with starting a cyber-whisper campaign about Barack Obama, into the foreground.

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Think Progress » McCain Campaign Says Black Is White: Claims Troopergate Investigation Found No Wrongdoing

Think Progress » McCain Campaign Says Black Is White: Claims Troopergate Investigation Found No Wrongdoing
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Obama DID NOT ask to delay security agreement, Iraqi FM says

The statement by Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari refutes a recent published report and a statement by Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin that Obama tried to influence Iraqi politicians negotiating with the United States to score political points.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Market drops 107 points during Bush’s speech on the Economy

Today, President Bush gave an eight-minute speech on the economy, which was meant to reassure the markets.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Forbidden City Goes Virtual With IBM

IBM and Beijing's Palace Museum have launched a virtual tour of the Forbidden City.

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The Inspiration of Rainbows (PICS)

As evidenced by cave paintings, humans have been inspired by nature since the dawn of time. While lightning makes for amazing photographs, and japanese prints capture the awe-inspiring power of tidal waves, few of nature's forces are as subtly powerful as the rainbow.

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Meet Sarah Palin's radical right-wing pals

Extremists Mark Chryson and Steve Stoll helped launch Palin's political career in Alaska, and in return had influence over policy. "Her door was open," says Chryson -- and still is.

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Jumping Dolphins. Beautiful Shot

Pretty spectacular image. Dolphins surfing & jumping the waves off the South African coast.

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Bismarck Tribune Online - World and National News

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded Friday.
Bismarck Tribune Online - World and National News
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Mental Health Break - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

A video titled: "My Dogs greeting me after returning from 14 months in Iraq". God bless and save all of those defending us abroad. And their dogs waiting for them patiently at home

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VIDEO: McCain Picks Up Phony ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Allegations in Stump Speech Today | Concerns of Actual Election Fraud, Voter Registration Purges in State After State, Completely Ignored by Republicans, Media...

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The Current Stock Market Decline…

The Current Stock Market Decline…
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NSA Eavesdropped on Americans, Journalists in Baghdad

Two whistleblowers have come forward to ABC News with allegations that the NSA routinely listened in on the phone calls of ordinary Americans, journalists, aid workers, and military personnel who were living in the Middle East and calling friends and loved ones back in the US.

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National Debt Clock Runs out of Digits

Just thought you should know...

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John Cleese’s Cleeseblog » Archive » Hannity, calamity….

John Cleese’s Cleeseblog » Archive » Hannity, calamity….
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SonicSwap Puts Your iTunes Library On The Web For Streaming And Sharing

SonicSwap Puts Your iTunes Library On The Web For Streaming And Sharing
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tina Fey As Sarah Palin In VP Debate On SNL (VIDEO)

Saturday Night Live's sketch about the vice presidential debate starred Queen Latifah as debate moderator Gwen Ifill, as well as Tina Fey, reprising her role as Governor Sarah Palin.

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Best line by Tina Fey as Sarah Palin tonight on SNL...

Best line by Tina Fey as Sarah Palin tonight on SNL "I believe marriage should be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers..." Priceless!

Now playing: Spoon - Chloroform
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Catholic Church Is Riven by Internal Debate - NYTimes.com

Catholic Church Is Riven by Internal Debate - NYTimes.com In a departure from previous elections, Democrats and liberal Catholic groups are waging a fight within the church, arguing that the Democratic Party better reflects the full spectrum of church teachings.
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Palin hits Obama for 'terrorist' connection - CNN.com

Palin hits Obama for 'terrorist' connection - CNN.com Doesn't McCain-Palin have anything better to do than try to re-spin something that has been debunked many times?  How about some suggestions on how you will fix the economy, mortage crisis, jobs, etc.?
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Facebook | John Schallberger's Photos - The intruder

Facebook | John Schallberger's Photos - The intruder
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Rachel Maddow: Political Game Changer

Information about the new sensational liberal pundit, Rachel Maddow.

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Portland Mercury | Blogtown, PDX | Hung Far Where?

Portland Mercury | Blogtown, PDX | Hung Far Where? Where did the Hung Far Low sign go?
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Friday, October 3, 2008

Obama's Plan Overwhelmingly Supported By Economists

A survey of academic economists by The Economist magazine finds the majority—at times by overwhelming margins—believe Mr Obama has the superior economic plan, a firmer grasp of economics and will appoint better economic advisers.

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Palin Gets McCain Stance on Homeowner Protections Wrong

The Alaska governor incorrectly made it sound like McCain supports giving bankruptcy judges the power to rewrite mortgage payment terms on first homes. He doesn't.

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Palin calls Obama comment 'reckless,' criticizes Couric

Palin calls Obama comment 'reckless,' criticizes Couric Is she serious?
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